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A rape kit is a package of items used by medical personnel for gathering and preserving physical evidence following an allegation of sexual assault. The evidence collected from the victim can aid the criminal rape investigation and the prosecution of a suspected assailant.
The kit was developed in Chicago in the mid s, in order to provide a more uniform protocol for evidence collection after sexual assaults. While Louis R. Vitullo is frequently credited as the developer of the first kit, it was originally researched and proposed to Vitullo by Martha 'Marty' Goddardwho was a victim advocate and founder of Chicago's Research papers problem statements on police abuse for Victims Assistance organization, and herself a sexual assault survivor.
In the s, after the women's movement had gained its first traction, and the media began to cover the reporting of rape and other forms of sexual assault, a sexual assault survivor named Martha Goddard embarked upon a crusade to create a comprehensive rape evidence collection kit and lobby for its adoption by law enforcement agencies.
The lack of standardized protocol for correctly collecting such evidence, and the lack of understanding of or sympathy for those suffering the psychological trauma of such crimes meant that such evidence, when it was collected, was not preserved in a way that maintained its integrity.
Goddard founded the Chicago-based Citizens Committee for Victim Assistance to address the issue, researching the process by consulting with medical professionals, law enforcement officials, members of the justice system, and scholars. The kit was first utilized in Septemberaccording to a Chicago Tribune article, when 26 Cook County hospital emergency rooms incorporated its use into their standard practice for gathering trace evidence when treating rape victims.
It consisted of a cardboard box containing items including swabs, research papers problem statements on police abuse, slides research papers problem statements on police abuse a small comb, and instructions for using them.
Less than two years later, hospitals across Illinois were using it. The kit became known as "Vitullo kit" after Chicago police sergeant Louis Vitullothe Chicago crime lab's chief microanalyst who worked on high-profile cases. This designation came about at Vitullo's insistence because, according to Vitullo's colleague, Marian Caporusso, forensic experts had "the final say-so for a lot of the design features.
Based upon the effective use of the kits in Chicago, New York City adopted Goddard's kit system in InGoddard gave a presentation about the Chicago pilot project at an FBI conference.
Based on her presentation, The Department of Justice provided Goddard with funding to travel to help other states begin their own rape kit pilot programs. In a interview, Goddard related that through her work in a Chicago teen crisis center, research papers problem statements on police abuse, she learned about the very low rate at which rapes resulted in prosecutions. A rape kit consists of small boxes, microscope slides and plastic bags for collecting and storing evidence such as clothing fibershairssalivabloodsemen or body fluid.
Rape kits vary by location, research papers problem statements on police abuse, but commonly include the following items: [1] [12] [13] [14]. Rape kit examinations are performed by medical professionals, most commonly physicians and nurses.
For example, many hospitals and health facilities in the United States and Canada have sexual assault nurse examiners SANEs who are trained to collect and preserve forensic evidence and to offer emotional support to the victim. The process of collecting a rape kit is highly invasive and extremely time-consuming. The victim's clothing is carefully examined for trace evidence before each garment is individually packaged with sheets of paper between folds to protect against cross-contamination.
Examiners then collect biological samples of semen, blood, saliva and other bodily fluids by swabbing the victim's genitals, rectum, mouth and body surfaces. If the facility has the means, and the victim consents, the examiner will also take photographs of genital injuries using a colposcope.
In addition to facilitating the collection of biological samples and injuries, the kit guides the documentation of the victim's medical historyemotional stateand account of the assault. Upon completion, the rape kit is sealed and typically transferred to local law enforcement.
In the United States, if the victim is undecided about reporting the rape, the kit may instead be stored at the exam facility or at a law enforcement facility as an "anonymous" kit.
The law enforcement agency conducting the rape investigation can send the rape kit, in whole or in part, to the forensic science crime lab for analysis. Forensic scientists will try to develop a DNA profile of the assailant using the samples collected in the rape kit. If successful, the crime lab will search the DNA profile against DNA profiles of convicted offenders and other crime scenes using a DNA database.
For example, crime labs in the United States run DNA profiles through the three-tiered Combined DNA Index System CODISwhich was developed in and contains DNA profiles at the national, research papers problem statements on police abuse, state, and local level.
These findings eventually may be made available for use in court. In some cases, the rape kit does not yield DNA evidence and the forensic scientist is unable to develop a DNA profile of the assailant. This may be because the assailant did not leave DNA behind, or too much time passed before the victim had a rape kit exam performed, or the rape kit evidence may have been improperly collected, stored or handled. Damaged evidence is something that is common among rape kits because survivors of sexual assault typically desire to wash themselves as soon as possible following an attack.
Prior to the exam, it is desired that patients avoid using the rest room, combing their hair, bathing, changing their clothes or cleaning up the scene of the assault. Most evidence needs to be collected within 72 hours to be viable, and patients are advised to either bring or wear the clothing they had on when attacked to the exam. Research papers problem statements on police abuse kit evidence can aid the criminal rape investigation and the prosecution of a suspected assailant.
In stranger sexual assault cases, the assailant is unknown to the victim. In such cases, rape kits may be instrumental in identifying the assailant through DNA profilingwhich research suggests may help lead to an arrest. For example, a study examining sexual assault cases from two of crime laboratories in the United States found that stranger-rape cases with forensic evidence were 24 times more likely to produce an arrest than stranger-rape cases without forensic evidence. Stranger cases can take a longer time to identify the perpetrator because without forensic evidence, the case becomes significantly more difficult to prosecute.
This is one of the main problems that many victims face when coming forward that they had been raped. The vast majority of sexual assaults are non-stranger or "acquaintance" cases where the victim knows the assailant. The kits may also be used to determine whether the offender committed other crimes, research papers problem statements on police abuse. In many acquaintance sexual assault cases, the accused assailant will defend the accusations as consensual encounters.
In cases where the victim suffers a serious injury, filing charges and reaching convictions is more likely. In other acquaintance cases, the assailant may deny that sexual intercourse occurred at all. In such cases, specimens that show either sperm or specific enzymes that are unique to seminal fluid enzymes prostatic acid phosphates or acid phosphatase can be used to prove sexual contact.
Serial rape is defined as an assailant that has raped two or more victims. In both stranger and non-stranger sexual assault cases, DNA testing of rape kit evidence and DNA database hits help identify serial sexual assaults. For example, a study of previously untested rape kits in Detroit, Michigan found CODIS hits, which included stranger and non-stranger sexual assault DNA profiles. Sixty-nine of the hits were serial sexual assault hits, 15 of which were acquaintance non-stranger sexual assault cases.
In a study analyzing the status of Brazil's DNA database inresearchers found matches related to 78 serial rapists. Rape kit backlog refers to the problem of untested sexual assault kits. When someone fails to request a DNA analysis, the kit sits in a police evidence storage facility untested. A rape kit is considered backlogged when it is not submitted for analysis within 10 days of the evidence being submitted. A second cause of the backlog is crime laboratory facilities receiving the rape kits and not testing them in a timely manner.
The Research papers problem statements on police abuse Heart Foundation, an anti-sexual violence charity founded by actress and activist Mariska Hargitayconsiders these kits backlogged when the kit is not analyzed within 30 days of it being sent to the lab.
Conservative estimates indicate there are ,—, untested rape kits in U. police departments, and large stockpiles of kits have been documented in over five dozen jurisdictions, sometimes totaling more than 10, untested rape kits in a single city.
In some locations, rape kits are destroyed before ever being tested and sometimes without notifying the victim, research papers problem statements on police abuse. For victims of sexual assault in the United States, for example, the length of time for which a kit can go untested may be shorter than the statute of limitations. Policies in some jurisdictions instruct that rape kits be destroyed as early as six months after they are initially stored.
Victims' access to rape kits is often limited. In many locations, the non-availability of rape kits prevents victims from obtaining medico-legal evidence that would otherwise aid in the criminal investigation and prosecution of their assailant. In Nigeriafor example, a study analyzing sexual assault in Ile-Ife found that the majority of victims went to the hospital within 24 hours of a sexual assault, but did not receive a forensic medical examination because rape kits have yet to be introduced in the research papers problem statements on police abuse. In locations where rape kits are available, a lack of trained examiners may still impede the ability of victims to undergo timely sexual assault examinations.
Insufficiently trained examiners may also lead to deficiencies in rape kits. A study of rape kit collection in South Africa found that rape kits were sometimes inappropriately used, missing proper specimens, or missing necessary forms.
The cost of rape kits is a barrier to use in many locations where the victim is billed for the collection of forensic evidence. In Japanfor example, a sexual assault victim must pay for the rape kit upfront, but police will reimburse medical fees if the victim reports the assault. Victims of sexual assault in the United States faced similar hurdles until the reauthorization of Violence Against Women Act VAWAwhich requires states to pay for the cost of the rape kit regardless of the victim's decision to report the assault to the police.
States may still require victims to submit claims for the rape kit exams to their personal insurance providers, as long as they are not billed for a deductible or a copay. In the Republic of Irelandvictims of rape and sexual assault receive a forensic exam in a Sexual Assault Treatment Unit SATU. At the end ofthere was a backlog of 70 cases, and it was taking up to a year for results to be released. In the United States, rape kit costs, availability, proper implementation of the invasive exam, and backlogs have historically presented problems for victims of rape seeking justice.
As of May the federal Violence Against Women Act of went into effect, [13] requiring state governments who wish to continue receiving federal funding to pay for "Jane Doe rape kits" or "anonymous rape tests". These tests allow victims too traumatized to go to the police to undergo the procedure at hospitals.
The hospitals maintain the collected evidence in a sealed envelope identified only by a number, unless police access its contents upon the victim's decision to press charges. Inthe National Institute of Justice published a report, The Road Ahead: Unanalyzed Evidence in Sexual Assault Casesproviding an overview of deep problems nationwide and the contributing factors to ongoing bureaucratic difficulties.
These backlogs and delays may lead to a lack of justice for victims, the report notes, and "in worst-case scenarios lead to additional victimization by serial offenders or the incarceration of people wrongly convicted of a crime".
Findings include: [62]. The federal government established the Combined DNA Index System CODIS to share DNA matches among federal, research papers problem statements on police abuse, state and local jurisdictions.
The federal DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of and Debbie Smith Act authorizations in and provide additional funding to state and local jurisdictions to help clear their rape kit testing backlogs. As ofthe federal government estimates a nationwide backlog ofrape kits, including many from the s when evidence was collected but not tested for DNA due to high costs and more primitive techniques available at the time.
According to a report by Human Rights WatchLos Angeles, California has the largest known rape kit backlog in the United States, with at least 12, languishing in storage facilities of the Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, and 47 independent police departments in Los Angeles County, and "smaller, but not inconsiderable" backlogs residing at police crime labs.
These backlogs consist of both kits stored in evidence storage facilities, for which DNA analysis is not requested by investigating detectives, and those submitted for testing at crime lab facilities, but which have not been tested in a timely manner. Although authorities have struggled to address the backlog problem, their attempts have reportedly been hampered by funding issues and politics. As a consequence of these backlogs, research papers problem statements on police abuse, assault survivors are research papers problem statements on police abuse not informed of the status of their rape kit or their case.
Effective September 1,The Illinois Senate 's Sexual Assault Submissions Act Senate Bill requires law enforcement agencies to submit all evidence collected by rape kits for laboratory analysis within days after the effective date of October 15,with a written notice to the State Police.
Illinois was the first state to adopt such a law, setting a precedent for other states to follow. As of January 1, research papers problem statements on police abuse,the Illinois House of Representatives Bill addresses victims' confidentiality rights and the timely processing of rape kit evidence. Both bills passed the Illinois General Assembly unanimously, and were signed by Governor Pat Quinn. In New York Statea rape kit is also known as Sexual Offense Evidence Collection SOEC kit. In Texas, it is considered unnecessary to administer a rape kit after 72 hours following the attack, as it is considered unlikely for useful evidence to be collected, though other types of evidence may still be documented during the medical examination, such as survivor statements, and visible injuries such as bruises, lacerations or bite marks, through visual inspection, photographs and transcription.
In Washington, D.
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